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Formulas's brand story


My love and passion in skin care products started when I was 12. At that time I used to brought different beauty magazines. It was really excited to see the pretty models with perfect skin and to discover various beauty products in the magazines.


Then I developed the interests in studying the chemical composition of skin care products, and I go for Chemical Engineering in the university degree program.


After graduation, I devoted myself into cosmetic research and development. Over 5-year experiences in cosmetic R&D and manufacturing, from hair products, skincare products, bodycare to make-up. Every exposure to a new formulation increase my love in the world of cosmetics.


Suddenly one day "she" appears. 
Looking at the photo of the ultrasonic scan of my baby, I felt loved.
Because of my obsession with cosmetic ingredients and formulas, I insisted to use products that should be safe and without any harmful elements. But looking around the skin care products in the market, I came back empty-handed.
For the sake of my baby, I decided to develop the best, safe and pregnancy-friendly products by myself.
Then I quited my job, became a full-time mom, and started my own business.


"Clean, simple, and natural."
I insisted that every formulation I made must be clean and free from harmful ingredients, at the same time with high efficacy and truly able to tackle skin problems.
All of our formulations are cruelty-free, means they are vegan and not tested on animals.
"Then we have established the main theme of ​​our brand - Formulas."

I hope to do more for my family, and provide people a choice of truly safe and non-toxic skin care products. It's not only for me, but for you and your beloved ones, to share this blessing together!


Formulas - Clean & Care Beauty 
Made in Hong Kong